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Seed ID: -6185261765285097501

You find yourself on a lonely island in the middle of no where. There’s no one around apart from those pesky squids.. but wait, what’s that noise? Is it.. barking?

It seems that this little island already has a resident; a lonely wolf! Can you survive together?

Interestingly, there’s also another island close by with some sheep as well, perfect for a wolf!

There’s also an Ocean Monument at XYZ: 823 62 680.

Tested in Minecraft 1.8 & 1.9 (PC/Mac).

11 Responses

  1. Jack B

    This was a great seed for my Survival Island Hardcore Experience (SIHE) i hope you post more supa-cool Survival Island seeds. 🙂

  2. Assassin739

    Cool seed, and would be cool with a backstory for a modded adventure (CustomNPCs). Just trying now, actually.

  3. AweCraftBlox

    On 1.9, the wolf didn’t spawn, but a herd of cows did. Anyone else with this happening?


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